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The association named "Association for promotion of e-Learning tools for Electrical Engineering", or, on short "e-LEE Association", has as aim the promotion and evaluation of the multimedia learning tools for the engineering teaching, more specifically for electrical engineering.

Its objectives are:

  1. to propose to the members, common methods and tools, able to facilitate the developing of multimedia learning tool;
  2. to conceive and realize, or to support the conceiving and realizing of such resources;
  3. to disseminate the results of the activity, to the members or to third, by the way of a site, managed by the association; it has the obligation to survey the quality of the posted resources;
  4. to make studies of the impact of these teaching tools on the learning process.

The e-LEE Association (e-learning tools for electrical engineering) was created following the initiative of:

Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et d'Instrumentation
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Hautes Etudes d'Ingénieur
Lille, France
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbonne, Portugal
Facultatea de Electromecanică
Universitatea din Craiova, România

These are the initiator members.

The Statute of the association

Download here the Statute of the association (FR)
Download here the Chart of the association (FR)


click here (reserved to the members).

Info days

Up to now, three info days were organised, concerning the proposal to create and develop the e-LEE association:


Site coordinator: Damien Grenier | Realization: Sophie Labrique | Translation: Sergiu Ivanov
This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community on the framework of the SOCRATES Programme. The content of this site does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part of the European Community.